Tuesday, May 7, 2013


"I do not think anyone bright in UMNO will nor should ask you to step down as President of UMNO on the basis that BN performed worse off than 2008. These are two different scenarios.Pak Lah started with a landslide victory but you had lead BN at the worst of its times"
"I sincerely hope that the Government under you is open to the views of ordinary citizens and genuine NGOs. Please liberalise the registration process for the formation of NGOs so that more citizens can help shape the Nation. The days that politicians have absolute control is over, or more correctly, that illusion is over" Rapera 
Read here.. RAPERA


  1. Banyak lagi agenda dan tugasan Najib yang belum selesai.
    Marilah kita bersamasama memberi sokongan, cadangan dan teguran kearah Malaysia yang lebih maju dan rakyat berpendapatan tinggi

  2. suara orang umnoMay 8, 2013 at 6:34 AM

    Najib tolonglah pilih menteri,timbalan menteri dan pegawai menteri yang BERJENIS sikit.
    Jangan ada menteri atau menteri macam orang Kedah kata dok tenggala atas belakang rakyat.


Bloggers adalah mereka yang digolongkan berakal, waras, bijak dan berilmu serta dikira mempunyai peradaban yang tinggi. Elak dari bahasa-bahasa lucah atau yang tidak bersopan.
Sesungguhnya yang ampunya blog tidak akan bersubahat, bertanggung jawab dan menafikan segala bahan-bahan tersebut.