Friday, November 13, 2009

What I like about Bush - Najib

Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak praised former
United States president George W. Bush for his staunch support of free trade,
and urged other leaders to do the same. -- PHOTO: REUTERS
MALAYSIAN Prime Minister Najib Razak on Friday praised former United States president George W. Bush for his staunch support of free trade, and urged other leaders to do the same.

'I have been saying privately, but I might as well say it publicly, that the thing I liked about President Bush's foreign policy is that he was very pro-free trade,' he said at a panel session at the Apec CEO Summit 2009.

'Frankly I don't like the other policies, but I like his policy on free trade.'
(Source : The Straits Time Singapore 13.11.2009)
Tidak ramai pemimpin dunia lain yang memuji Penjenayah Perang bekas Presiden Amerika Syarikat George W. Bush. Rupa-rupanya seteruk-teruk Bush ada juga kelebihan beliau seperti yang disanjung Najib.


  1. Free trade agreements favors only certain countries at a certain times, malaysia for example, as along as there are no other countries that can produce products and provide services cheaper than malaysia than malaysia is favored under this aggreement. it's a dog eats dog world basically. Apparent and superficial fairness and justice serving only corporations own by the rich few not really for the mass that work for them who only get bits and pieces of the pie.

  2. Aiyoo between the lines..this message not meant for us..for Obama la..apa la faedah dia nak bodek Bush tu..kan dia dah pencen


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