Friday, October 31, 2008

Debat: Lembut Gigi dari Lidah.

Bila calun-calun ketua pemuda (MM, KJ, KT) dok kalut nak berdebat, ada yang mau ada yang tak mau. Mummy dah mangli dengan perangai orang UMNO ni. Telinga Mummy dah tersumbat dengan ucapan-ucapan, kata-kata manis dan lip service pemimpin pemuda UMNO kita ni. Masa nak bertanding macam-macam janji manis, lembut gigi dari lidah dan cakap tarakkk serupa bikin. Depa dok mai gedembong saja.
Bila depa dah menang, depa lupa grassroots, depa lupa di mana bumi di pijak. Depa nanti dok tayang kereta besaq depa, istana depa, rantai bini depa, mengorat artis dan depa berfoya-foya di dalam dan di luar negara.
Macam tu lah juga depa nak berdebat ni...nak tunjuk sapa pandai cakap. Hangpa toksah dok merapoo laaa. Apa hangpa kena buat, semua yang tergedik-gedik nak bertanding ni bentangkan manifesto perjuangan masing-masing.
Nyatakan dengan jelas satu persatu kemana hangpa nak bawa generasi muda negara ini. Dokumenkan janji-janji hangpa semua. Besok bila hangpa dah menang kita jadikan manifesto ini KPI hangpa (KEY PERFORMANCE INDEX). Kalau hangpa tak perform, cakap tak serupa bikin, cakap lain buat lain kita semua turunkan mereka dan ganti dengan pemimpin lain. Suruh depa jelan lidah depa yang bercabang tu.
Hangpa kena ingat. UMNO ni bukan harta maknenek hangpa saja. Tapi kami yang di kampung, penoreh getah, nelayan, kolar biru ni tengah dok tengok kelakuan hangpa semua.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Mai Kita Pakat- Pakat, Jumpa Calun Kita Sebat

Ikan Piranha

Kawan-kawan Mummy, rakan-rakan taulan, sahabat-sahabat dan perwakilan yang baru selesai menang menjadi perwakilan bahagian masing-masing atau istilah Glamour orang UMNO; G7 atau Kumpulan Tujuh, mereka ini telah berhempas pulas bertanding untuk menjadi perwakilan UMNO Bahagian. Ada yang ditaja ada yang lone ranger. Mereka sedang bermesyuarat sesama sendiri.

Mummy singgah di Pelita Nasi Kandaq semalam mereka sedang bersiap-siaga untuk mengumpul perwakilan-perwakilan sebanyak mungkin dan menubuhkan KONSORTIUM PERWAKILAN. Bila sudah tertubuh konsortium ini, mereka akan menganjurkan rombongan menemui satu calun ke satu calun yang ingin bertanding dalam pemilihan UMNO Malaysia.

Mereka akan membawa mesej dan menetapkan tanda harga jika ingin mendapatkan undi dari kumpulan mereka. Kalau jawatan Timbalan Presiden harganya lebih tinggi, Naib Presiden harganya lain dan MT harganya lain.

Menurut jurucakap kumpulan ini, melalui pengalaman mereka yang lepas-lepas. Mereka berjaya mengutip paling busuk RM30,000 hingga Rm40,000 satu orang. "Tetapi kalau konsortium ini kuat kita akan mendapat lebih lagi" kata sahabat tersebut. Mummy ingin gelarkan kumpulan ini kumpulan PIRANNA (sejenis ikan di Amazon yang makan manusia). Piranna ni hang sumbat apapun dia tibai. Kasut Jepun pun dia makan tambah lagi tangan kita.

Inilah Piranna-piranna UMNO yang telah belot kepada pengundi-pengundi mereka di bahagian. Depa telah memperdagangkan amanah yang diberi. Kalau calun-calun tak huloq kat depa jawab dia 'wassalllaammmm'. Depa kata kalau takat nak jamu makan, depa tak mau dahhhh...perut dah kembong. Apa depa mau hanya fulus-mahfiz.

Inilah yang ada dalam UMNO. Kalau calun-calun dok layan Piranna ni boleh mampuihhh. Mummy cadangkan calun-calun juga buat konsortium jangan huloq langsung dan layan langsung Piranna-piranna ini. Tapi persoalannya boleh ke calun-calun ni berpakat? Calun-calun pun dok bertokak sesama sendiri. Jawabnya kenyang laa Piranna.

Ingin Mummy cadangkan bubar sahaja Lembaga Disiplin UMNO yang dipengerusikan Tengku Ahmasd Ritaudeen jika gagal tangkap rasuah politik ini. Atau serah pada BPR.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008



Tun M dalam Blognya sudah warning Najib tentang peranan Tingkat 4 yang kejayaannya melingkupkan pemerintahan Pak Lah Perdana Menteri ke5. Jangan Najib dok turut penasihat yang makan 10% persen ini.

Mummy pun tak paham apasai apa kena ada penasihat-penasihat atau gatekeeper ni? Bukan kah kita telah wujudkan ISIS, IKIM, EPU, Panel Penasihat IT antarabangsa, dan macam-macam lagi. Apa pasai nak pakai penasihat-penasihat 10persen ni? Mereka ini pun bukan pengalaman sangat yang political readingnya pun very shallow, raw, prejudice, bias, as if this people know every damn thing in this country.

Padan la Cina cukup tak mau dengan 4 atau Si. Yang membawa maksud MATI, DEAD DAN MAMPUIH.


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Mansuh Equity Bumiputera - MCA

Mummy setuju sangat cadangan tu..Pasai equity ni lah yang Melayu malas dan lemah. Dulu depa dapat saham dalam syarikat tersenarai depa tonggek kat Cina. Akhirnya yang kaya oportunis-oportunis seperti Daim Zainudin. Biaq kita semua besaing... kita tengok Melayu nak jadi lagu mana? Biaq depa cai....baru depa sedaq langit tinggi rendah.
Perangai hasad dengki, tamak haloba, iri hati, cemburu buta, rempit, hisap pit, semua ni cukup lengkap ada pada Melayu. Melayu hanya mampu bersaing dengan bangsanya saja. Bila berniaga kicap asyik nak jual kat orang Melayu saja. Bila berniaga toqua dan tauge asyik nak jual kat orang Melayu saja. Begitu juga yang lain-lain.
Otak tak terbuka langsung. Sebab tu jadi kemasai. Orang duduk dalam bungalow dia dok dalam bangsai. Bila tak dak kerja dia mula cari pasai. Orang dah maju dia dok kedai kopi sambil urut misai. Masuk skim cepat kaya duit kena sentai. Menikah dua tiga bini dia tinggai. Bila dah tua baru menyesai. Apa nak buat harta dah langsai.

Apa Dok Kalut Nak Berdebat? Khairy Nak tunjuk Teloq?

Budak KJ ni dok kalut nak berdebat pulak dah..Konon nak perjelas prinsip perjuangan masing-masing. Awat hangpa selama duduk dalam pemuda tak dak prinsip perjuangan ka? Hang dok cakap prinsip kepala toya. Hang punya prinsip lah yang telah melingkopkan Pak Mentua hang.

Hang ingat berdebat ni macam PELAGA AYAM ka? Hangpa dok dalam gelanggang hangpa bertokak sesama hangpa dan orang-orang hangpa semua dok bersorak di luar, macam tengok wrestling.

Kalau nak berdebat, kita mula dari calun Presiden, Timb Presiden, Calun Naib-naib Presiden dan semua MT-MT. Mummy ingat kalau Pak Mentua hang berdebat dengan Anwar, awai-awai lagi dah tergolek. Sebab tu hangpa suruh Shabery Chik dok pi berdebat dengan Anwar, sampai termengah-mengah Shaberry Chik, hangpa semua cuci tangan.

Mummy cadang kalau KJ nak berdebat, suruh dia pi berdebat dengan pembangkang; Anwar Ibrahim ka, Husam Musa ka, Hadi Awang ka, Sallehudin ka ni semua puak-puak pembangkang yang tak ada prinsip ni.

Kalau hang menang hang hero. Hang jangan dok nak tunjuk hero sesama kawan dalam UMNO. Itu barulah ujian hang anak jantan ada teloq ka tak ada teloq.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Do's And Dont' untuk Calun-calun yang ingin bertanding dalam UMNO.

Di bawah ini adalah senarai semak "THE DO'S AND DON'T" kepada semua calun-calun yang ingin menawar diri dalam pertandingan UMNO :

  1. Berdoa untuk mendapat keberkatan Allah bahawa jawatan adalah amanah dan tanggung jawab di dunia dan akhirat.
  2. Buang perangai-perangai yang buruk semasa muda atau semasa zaman "jahilliah". Seperti meminum arak.
  3. Jaga adap tertib keluarga. Isteri, Ibu, bapa, Ibu mentua, bapa mentua,menantu, anak-anak, adik-adik, kakak-kakak dan abang-abang. Perangai-perangai dan kerakusan mereka akan menjejaskan calun.
  4. Ingat mereka yang susah dan miskin.
  5. Solat 5 waktu jangan sesekali tinggal.
  6. Bila dah masuk wang gaji yang pertama,keluarkan zakat dan beri makan pada anak yatim.
  7. Tunaikan haji ke Mekah sebelum duit habis.
  8. Kerap turun kawasan.
  9. Senyum hendaklah ikhlas dan sentiasa di bibir jangan hippokrate.
  10. Berkawan dengan mereka yang ada akhlak mulia.
  1. Jangan lupa daratan, angkuh, sombong dan bongkak bila ada kuasa.
  2. Jangan pilih kasih dalam membuat keputusan dan hukuman.
  3. Jangan BERMAIN JUDI DI MANA-MANA KASINO atau KUDA di mana-mana juga tempat dalam dunia ini. Terutamanya bila melawat keluar negara.
  4. Jangan MINUM ARAK, MAIN POMPUAN ATAU BETINA di dalam atau luar negara. Eg Siam, Golok, Sweden atau mana-mana tempat pelacuran. Kalau nak kawin lebih pada seorang itu lebih baik kerana Islam membolehkan kawin tetapi Islam melarang ZINA.
  5. Jangan tamak projek, tender, sebutharga, direct nego atau yang sepertinya untuk kepentingan diri dan keluarga.
  6. Jangan menerima atau memberi rasuah atau "POLITIK WANG". Termasuk tanah kerajaan, balak, quarry dsbnya.
  7. Jangan terajang mereka yang banyak membantu, menolong dan menyokong semasa kita nak naik.
  8. Jangan bermewah-mewahan dengan kereta yang besar, motor besar, rumah macam istana, berbelanja seperti Qaruun, curut mahal dan tamak haloba dengan wang rakyat.
  9. Jangan bermusuh dengan Raja-raja Melayu.
  10. Jangan bermusuh dengan pemimpin-pemimpin yang banyak berjasa pada negara ini; seperti Tun Mahathir.
Inilah sepuluh DO'S dan sepuluh DON'T yang setiap calun yang rasa layak untuk bertanding kena ingat sampai mati. Mungkin banyak lagi tetapi yang Mummy senarai ini adalah yang "current" kelakuan yang tak senonoh pemimpin kita lakukan. Mereka seharusnya menerima fakta-fakta ini dengan positif atau "they purposely ignore this and they will end up in bloody disaster and shit to this lovely nation".

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Semua Calun Nak Bertanding dalam UMNO harus dikenakan ujian Bahasa Inggeris.

Mummy tengok dan belek-belek calun-calun yang nak bertanding dalam pemilihan UMNO diperingkat tertinggi harus menjalani ujian Bahasa Inggeris dahulu.

Mungkin calun Presiden kiranya lulus cemerlang kerana terbukti di peringkat antarabangsa Datuk Najib boleh diketengahkan dalam wawancara Hardtalk oleh BBC.

Tapi calun-calun Timbalan Presiden seperti Mahyudin mungkin lulus cemerlang Bahas Inggerisnya. Slangnya sedap didengar. Tetapi calun yang satu lagi Dtk Ali Rustam harus menduduki beberapa siri ujian lagi. Kerana bleum terbukti kepetahannya berbahasa Inggeris. Kerisauan berbangkit kelak apabila di wawancara dalam siri Hardtalk BBC London, takut Tok Ali terlekat macam kereta batery lemah. Tersangkut-sangkut kena ditolak. Mummy amat risau calun ni.

In short all candidate MUST be good and excellent in English. If not we will be embarrassing. Don't be like Zam Maidin, when BBC called him on Hindraf issues he don't actually answer the question but making worse he emotionally "bang" the moderator with his broken English.

Mummy personally think, Mahyuddin is more qualified than Datuk Ali Rustam to represent us internationally.

Harap-harap perwakilan UMNO jangan buta dan tuli di dalam memilih pemimpin. Jangan ikut sedap sendiri.

(I've posted this comment in but was censored and edited by Cheng Ho. Must be something wrong with MUMMY or something wrong with MAHARAJA)

Datuk Lat, Tokoh Lagenda Selepas P.Ramlee

The Kampung Boy comes to Frankfurt

Sambal on the side

After a two-month hiatus, our columnist takes a break from unpacking boxes to meet Malaysia’s beloved Kampung Boy at the world’s biggest book fair.

The Kampung Boy at the Frankfurt Book Fair? That was too good an opportunity to miss!

When the Malaysian Consul General in Frankfurt, Saiful Azam Abdullah, first informed me of Lat’s imminent arrival in town, I immediately requested an interview.
Malaysian cartoonist Lat (Mohamed Nor Khalid) at the Frankfurt Book Fair on Oct 16.

After all, I have been a fan ever since I first read his Kampung Boy as a seven year-old. His illustrations never ceased to amuse me. And having spent the better part of my childhood growing up in a rubber plantation myself, I could relate to the adventures of the book’s tousle-haired protagonist with the toothy grin.

Even today, I can’t help giggling at the myriad characters who enliven his distinctive sketches of Malaysian life €” the Chinese lady with the beehive and bat-wing glasses (supposedly inspired by his former English teacher, Mrs Moira Hew) or the bespectacled Indian Uncle with the middle parting and curly side burns. And of course, the distinctive “Lat noses” on famous personalities.

Datuk Mohamad Nor Khalid (as Lat is otherwise known) came to town a week ago to launch the German edition of his bestseller, Kampung Boy. The German version features an additional tagline €” Ein Frechdachs aus Malaysia €” which roughly translates to either a “rascal” or a “cheeky monkey” from Malaysia.

Either moniker suits him, I guess. The jolly cartoonist was in his element, having the large crowd in stitches at the presentation of his book at the 60th annual Frankfurt Book Fair (see story on p6).

Looking dapper in a black baju Melayu complete with songkok and samping, he began his presentation by explaining that he usually does not “go around wearing this costume”.

“Whenever I wear this outfit at a hotel in Kuala Lumpur, the security guards at the entrance would salute me thinking that I am the ex-president of Indonesia. I’d salute back,” he said to peals of laughter.
Flashing his famous smile as he flips through Maxz and Moritz. — AFP PHOTO

The history of Lat’s entry into the world of comics needs no introduction. Having had supportive parents, Lat’s love of drawing was nurtured early on.

“I’ve been reading comics ever since I was a kid. When I couldn’t read yet, I’d just look at the pictures,” explained the 57-year-old, whose favourite cartoonists include the Sri Lankan Aubrey Collette, who created Sun Tan, the Asian Sensation, and the German Wilhelm Busch, famous for his Max and Moritz comics.

When I later showed him a copy of my husband’s original Max and Moritz comic, he said, “I grew up with him. When I came to Germany in 1983, I had a chance to visit a museum in Munich and saw the original artwork. This is the old style of drawing, which is attractive and will not go out of date.”

To introduce his book, a slideshow featured highlights from the Kampung Boy. While it was a hilarious eye-opener for the uninitiated (with Lat providing side-splitting commentary), it was a walk down memory lane for the Malaysians present there.

Many were seen nodding vigorously whenever he described certain childhood activities. Although most of us have now spent a large portion of our lives in cities, almost all of us could recall, or at least relate to, eating coconut embryos as a treat, skinny-dipping in rivers or playing hide and seek with the other neighbourhood kids.

A collective “awww” went up when he mentioned that the original kampung house where he spent his childhood and which was also featured in the book was later sold to a relative in the 1960s.

His descriptions of a simpler life made me wonder if development had somewhat dulled our senses.

For instance, his class would sometimes convene at the headmaster’s house to listen to History lessons over the radio.

“When we heard the sound of the Portuguese attacking Malacca, we’d picture it in our heads. That probably also helped us with our imagination.”

“People were also more patient. If you had a favourite song, you’d have to wait patiently by the radio and listen to the request programme. My favourite song was It’s all in a Game by Cliff Richard. You hope that it would be this song but then the announcer would play another and you’d have to wait. You don’t get things you want immediately,” he explained.

How unlike today where the shuffle button on the iPod plays the song you want.

Ditto childhood games.

“The first game we played €” like children anywhere else €” was hide and seek. To play hide-and-seek, you needed friends. It’s not like now where kids play computer games alone. In my time, if you had no friends, who was going to look for you?”

And while we think nothing of the speed trains whizzing between cities, a simple bus ride into the city was a big deal then.

“To celebrate Raya, we sometimes used to go to Batu Gajah. At that time for RM1.70 we could tengok wayang (watch a movie) and have mee goreng. I used to wear seluar pendek (short pants) with a necktie!” he said, laughing at the memory.

With increasing numbers of people migrating to cities, does Lat feel that many are missing out on something special?

“There are two things here. Firstly, in many places, people don’t have a kampung anymore. Secondly, it was the environment of the kampung that mattered the most.

“When you remember your place of origin, there was a river with fish and a very good school with lots of pupils. Lots of laughter and friends meant the most. In those days, if you passed a particular exam it meant that you had to go to another town and you wondered about the friends that you would leave behind.”

And now these and other beloved childhood memories have been introduced to the people of “Bank-furt” (Frankfurt’s nickname playing on its financial capital status).

After presenting his book, Lat mingled easily with the crowd, flashing his trademark grin. He gamely signed copies of his book for fans and curious onlookers alike.

Among the autograph seekers was David Price-Hughes who spent his childhood in Kuala Lumpur.

“My parents really loved his books and we had several copies around. We still look at them and I have pictures of me with Lat T-shirts on. Looking at the pictures in the slideshow brings back memories of being in KL,” said the Briton who coincidentally was an exhibitor at the same book fair.

The Kampung Boy is now available in nine different languages and its far-reaching appeal has garnered its author yet another accolade. Last Monday, the German-Malaysian Society presented him an award for “Outstanding Contribution towards Promoting Cultural Understanding Between Malaysia and Germany”.

Yet Lat remains unfazed by all the fuss surrounding his 30-year-old book.

“There’s nothing spectacular about the book. It’s all just a recording of what happened daily. If you know the origins of your father or grandfather, you tend to appreciate it more.”

And this is probably why Lat has sealed his reputation not only as a talented artist but also a witty chronicler who warms the cockles of your heart.

> Brenda Benedict is a Malaysian living once again in Frankfurt. Her autographed copy of the Kampung Boy is now safely stored away from her book-chewing cats.




Khan was born to Muslim parents of Pathan ethnicity in New Delhi, India.[1] His father, Taj Mohammed Khan was a freedom fighter from Peshawar, Pakistan. His mother Lateef Fatima was the adopted daughter of Major General Shah Nawaz Khan of the Janjua Rajput clan, who served as a General in the Indian National Army of Subash Chandra Bose.[2]

Khan's father came to New Delhi from Qissa Khawani Bazaar in Peshawar before the Partition of India,[3] while his mother's family came from Rawalpindi, also in present-day Pakistan.[4] Khan has an elder sister named Shehnaz.[5] He attended St. Columba's School where he was accomplished in sports, drama and academics. He won the Sword of Honour, an annual award bequeathed to the student who embodies most the spirit of the school. He later attended the Hansraj College (1985-1988) to earn an Honors degree in Economics. Though he studied for a Masters Degree in Mass Communications at Jamia Millia Islamia, he later opted out to make his career in Bollywood.[6]

After the death of his parents, Khan moved to Mumbai in 1991.[7] In that same year, before any of his film releases, he married Gauri Khan (who is a Hindu) in a traditional Hindu wedding ceremony on 25 October 1991.[8] They have two children, son Aryan Khan (b. 1997) and daughter Suhana (b. 2000). According to Khan, while he strongly believes in Allah, he also values his wife's religion. At home, his children follow both religions, with the Qur'an being situated next to the Hindu gods.[9][10]

In 2005, Nasreen Munni Kabir produced a two-part documentary on Khan, titled The Inner and Outer World of Shah Rukh Khan. Featuring his 2004 Temptations concert tour, the film contrasted Khan's inner world of family and daily life with the outer world of his work. The book Still Reading Khan, which details his family life, was released in 2006. Another book by Anupama Chopra, "King of Bollywood: Shahrukh Khan and the seductive world of Indian cinema", was released in 2007. This book described the world of Bollywood through Khan's life.

Khan's life-size wax statue is on display at the Madame Tussauds wax museum, London, installed in April 2007.[11] Khan has been accorded the Ordre des Arts et des Lettres (Order of the Arts and Literature) award by the French government for his “exceptional career”.[12] In October 2008, he had been conferred the Darjah Mulia Seri Melaka which carries the honorific Datuk (in similar fashion to "Sir" in British knighthood), by the Yang di-Pertua Negeri Tun Mohd Khalil Yaakob, the head of state of Malacca in Malaysia, despite an outcry among the Malaysian public and local artistes who question his contribution to the country, other than "promoting tourism in Malacca" by filming One Two Ka Four there in 2001.[13]


As an actor

Khan studied acting under celebrated Theatre Director Barry John at Delhi's Theatre Action Group (TAG). In 2007, John commented thus on his former pupil:

The credit for the phenomenally successful development and management of Shahrukh's career goes to the superstar himself.[14]

Khan made his acting debut in 1988 when he appeared in the television series, Fauji, playing the role of Commando Abhimanyu Rai.[15] He went on to appear in several other television serials, most notably in the 1989 serial, Aziz Mirza's Circus, which depicted the life of circus performers.[16] The same year, Khan also had a minor role in the made-for-television English-language film, In Which Annie Gives it Those Ones, which was based on life at Delhi University and was written by Arundhati Roy.

Upon moving from New Delhi to Mumbai in 1991,[17] Khan made his Bollywood movie debut in Deewana (1992). The movie became a box office hit, and launched his career in Bollywood.[18] His performance won him a Filmfare Best Male Debut Award. His second movie, Maya Memsaab, generated some controversy because of his appearance in an "explicit" sex scene in the movie.[19]

In 1993, Khan won acclaim for his performances in villainous roles as an obsessive lover and a murderer, respectively, in the box office hits, Darr and Baazigar.[20] Darr marked his first collboration with renowned film-maker Yash Chopra and his banner Yash Raj Films, the largest production company in Bollywood. Baazigar, which saw Khan portraying an ambiguous avenger who murders his girlfriend, shocked its Indian audience with an unexpected violation of the standard Bollywood formula,[21] yet his performance won him his first Filmfare Best Actor Award. In that same year, Khan played the role of a young musician in Kundan Shah's Kabhi Haan Kabhi Naa, a performance that earned him a Filmfare Critics Award for Best Performance. Khan maintains that this is his all-time favourite among the movies he has acted in.[22] In 1994, Khan once again played an obsessive lover/psycho's role in Anjaam. Though the movie was not a box office success, Khan's performance earned him the Filmfare Best Villain Award.[23]

In 1995, Khan starred in Aditya Chopra's directorial debut Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge, a critical and commercial success, for which he won his second Filmfare Best Actor Award[24] which entered its twelfth year in 2007 in Mumbai theaters. By then the movie had grossed over 12 billion rupees, making it as one of the biggest movie blockbusters.[25]

1996 was a disappointing year for Khan as all his movies released that year failed to do well at the box office.[26] His first 1997 release, Yash Chopra's Dil to Pagal Hai, however, became that year's second highest grossing movie, and he won his third Filmfare Best Actor Award.[27] Earlier that year, he saw success with Subhash Ghai's Pardes -- one of the biggest hits of the year-- and Aziz Mirza's Yes Boss.[27]

In 1998, Khan starred in Karan Johar's directoial debut, Kuch Kuch Hota Hai, which was the biggest hit of the year.[28] His performance won him his fourth Best Actor award at the Filmfare. He won critical praise for his performance in Mani Ratnam's Dil Se. This movie did not do well at the Indian box office, but was a commercial success overseas.[29] Khan's only release in 1999, Baadshah, was an average grosser.[30]

In 2000, Khan starred in Aditya Chopra's second film, Mohabbatein, co-starring Amitabh Bachchan. The film did well at the box office, and Khan's performance won him his second Critics Award for Best Performance at the Filmfare. He also starred in Mansoor Khan's Josh, which was also a box office success.[31] In that same year, Khan set up his own production house, Dreamz Unlimited with Juhi Chawla. Both Khan and Chawla starred in the first movie of their production house, Phir Bhi Dil Hai Hindustani.[31]

In 2001, Khan collaborated with Karan Johar for the second time in the family drama, Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham which was the second biggest hit of the year. He also received favorable reviews for his performance as Emperor Asoka in the historical epic, Asoka.[32]

In 2002, Khan received acclaim for playing the title role in Sanjay Leela Bhansali's award-winning period romance, Devdas. It was the third Hindi movie adaptation of Sharat Chandra Chattopadhyay's well-known novel of the same name, and surfaced as one of the biggest hits of that year.[33] Khan also starred opposite Salman Khan and Madhuri Dixit in the family-drama Hum Tumhare Hain Sanam, which did well at the box office.[33]

In 2003, Khan starred in the moderately successful romantic drama, Chalte Chalte.[34] That same year, he starred in the romantic drama movie, Kal Ho Naa Ho, written by Karan Johar and directed by Nikhil Advani. Khan's performance in this movie as a man with heart disease was appreciated. The movie proved to be one of the year's biggest hits in India and the biggest Bollywood hit overseas.[34]

2004 was a good year for Khan, commercially as well as critically. He starred in Farah Khan's directorial debut, Main Hoon Na. The movie did well at the box office. He then played the leading role of Veer in Yash Chopra's Veer-Zaara, which was the biggest hit of 2004 in both India and overseas.[35] Khan's performance in the film won him awards at several award ceremonies. In that same year, he received critical praise for his performance in Ashutosh Gowariker's Swades, which won him the Filmfare Best Actor Award for the sixth time, although the movie was a box office failure. He was nominated for the Filmfare Best Actor Award for all three of his releases in 2004, winning it for Swades.[35]

Khan's only movie release in 2005 was the fantasy film, Paheli. It was a box office failure, but won him acclaim.[36] The movie was India's nomination for the Oscars.

In 2006, Khan collaborated with Karan Johar for the fourth time with the melodrama movie, Kabhi Alvida Na Kehna. It did well in India and much more so in the overseas market, becoming the biggest Bollywood hit in the overseas market ever.[37] His second release in that saw him playing the title role in the action film Don, a remake of the 1978 hit Don. The movie was a success.[37]

Khan's first release in 2007 was a film about the Indian women's national hockey team, Chak De India. Earning over Rs 639 million, Chak De India became the third highest grossing movie of 2007 in India[38] and was critically acclaimed.[39] In addition, Khan received his seventh Filmfare Best Actor Award for his performance as the coach of the team.

Khan also starred in Farah Khan's 2007 film, Om Shanti Om. The film emerged as the year's highest grossing film in India and the overseas market,[38] as well as earned him another nomination for Best Actor at the Filmfare ceremony.

As a producer

Khan turned producer when he set up a production company called Dreamz Unlimited with Juhi Chawla and director Aziz Mirza in 1999. The first two of the films he produced and starred in: Phir Bhi Dil Hai Hindustani (2000) and Asoka (2001) were box office failures.[32] However, his third film, as a producer and star, Chalte Chalte (2003), was the first box office hit from his production house.[34]

In 2004, he set up another production company called Red Chillies Entertainment and produced and starred in Main Hoon Na which was another hit at the box office.[35] In 2005 he produced and starred in the fantasy film Paheli, which was a box office failure.[36] It was India's official entry to the Oscars for a nomination for Best Foreign Film, but it did not pass the final selection. That same year he also co-produced the supernatural horror film Kaal with Karan Johar and performed an item number for the film with Malaika Arora Khan. Kaal was moderately successful at the box office.[36] The latest film Om Shanti Om, which he produced as well as starred in, has done very well at the box office. In 2008, The Red Chillies Entertainment became the owner of Kolkata Knight Riders in the BCCI backed IPL cricket league.

Sejarah Politik Wang, Rasuah Politik dalam UMNO.

Rasuah Politik dalam UMNO bermula apabila Mahathir ditentang Ku Li semasa pemilihan UMNO 24 April 1987. Mahathir mendapat 761 undi dan Ku Li 718 berbeza 43 undi sahaja. Morally Mahathir telah kalah. Jangkaan awal untuk mendapat majoriti 200 undi telah merosot. Kelebihan Ku Li kerana lama sebagai Menteri Kewangan. Networking Ku Li sangat kuat di akar umbi.

Apabila persaingan terlalu hebat Daim telah tampil membantu Mahathir dengan membiayai kempen-kempen saat akhir untuk membantu Mahathir. Di sinilah bermulanya huloq-menghuloq duit kepada perwakilan. Ku Li huloq. Daim "up", Ku Li "up" Daim huloq. Macam main pakau. Daim kena tolong Mahathir kerana kepentingan Daim untuk menyelamat maruah Daim.

Ini diakui oleh Daim sendiri.

So, the result is waaaa....politik wang it works man! Jadi bermula dari situlah maka amalan rasuah politik menjadi amalan mangkuk-mangkuk hayun yang nak bertanding dalam UMNO.

Friday, October 24, 2008


Mummy dapat jemputan rumah terbuka dari ramai calun-calun yang nak bertanding pemilihan UMNO ni. Ada yang Mummy pi ada yang Nana Hussein pi. Mummy tengok di setiap rumah terbuka depa, ramai HANTURAYA, PELESIT,JEMUAN DAN PEDUKANG UMNO berkeliaran bekerja untuk tuan mereka.

Siapa mereka ini? Mereka ini ialah pelobi-pelobi dan ghurka-ghurka calun-calun yang ingin bertanding. Mereka ini bukan ada apa-apa jawatan di bahagian atau negeri. Mulut manis dan gigi lembut dari lidah. Mereka akan berkeliaran di hotel-hotel yang selalu orang UMNO pi makan atau lepak. Mereka mendapat upahan dari calun-calun dengan memberi laporan-laporan kepada calun.

Mereka inilah yang dok huloq duit pada perwakilan-perwakilan bagi pihak calun. Calun hanya cuci tangan dan bersyarah dengan kuat menentang politik wang. Tapi mereka melepas hanturaya dan pelesit ini untuk main duit.

Pelesit-pelesit, hanturaya , pedukang dan jemoan ini akan membawa tauke-tauke besar dan akan pau tauke-tauke ini katanya calun mau beberapa jumlah wang. Bila calun menang depa akan mendapat projek-projek yang lumayan.

Inilah kerja calun-calun yang nak bertanding, nampak besih. Pedukang-pedukang dan Pelesit ini hidup mewah dengan rasuah politik. Kalau nak tangkap, tangkap depa ni dulu baru tangkap calun dan dakwa di mahkamah. Kalau setakat tindakan gantung dalam parti tak cukup. Biaq depa masuk penjara baru depa tau.


Kajian Institut Integriti Malaysia indek persepsi rasuah politik sebanyak 52.5 peratus amat membimbangkan. Kerana keterbukaan Kerajaan BN pimpinan Pak Lah seperti kes Kasitah Gadam, Eric Chia, Zakaria Md Deros dan Datuk Mohd Said Yusof.
Dengan amalan politik wang yang berleluasa sekarang dalam pemilihan UMNO, Mummy jangka index ini merudum lagi.
Apa sudah jadi??

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Sapa yang Nyanyuk dulu? Pak Lah ke Mahathir?

Awat Pak Lah dok sekat Mahathir pulak tak bagi bercakap? Baru sekarang Pak Lah nak bercakap? Di saat-saat nak turun takhta pun dok berkelahi lagi dengan Che Det. Maka besok tercacat dalam sejarah anak bangsa yang Pak Lah pelingkup UMNO, Melayu, BN dan perpaduan negara ini.
Sama-sama kita lihat sapa yang nyanyuk dulu. Pak Lah ke Che Det?

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Shamsiah Fakeh meninggal

Samsiah Fakeh
KUALA LUMPUR: Bekas pemimpin Parti Komunis Malaya (PKM), Shamsiah Fakeh, 84, meninggal dunia kerana sakit tua di rumah anaknya di Kondominium Tropicana, Jalan Kuchai Lama di sini, semalam. Beliau menghembuskan nafas terakhir jam 9 pagi di sisi dua anaknya selepas tidak sedarkan diri sejak malam kelmarin. Anak ketiganya, Jamaluddin Ibrahim, 46, berkata Shamsiah dimasukkan ke Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (HUKM) pada 24 September lalu akibat jangkitan paru-paru dan dibenarkan keluar, Sabtu lalu.

“Keadaannya baik pada hari pertama di rumah, namun semakin lemah dan tidak sedarkan diri semalam (kelmarin). Kami menghubungi ambulans selepas dia masih tidak sedarkan diri pagi tadi (semalam) dan dia disahkan meninggal dunia jam 9 pagi,” katanya ketika ditemui di sini semalam. Jenazahnya dikebumikan di Tanah Perkuburan Islam Sungai Besi selepas solat Asar. Allahyarham mula aktif dalam gerakan nasionalis sekitar 1945 dan 1946 dengan menyertai Parti Kebangsaan Melayu Malaya (PKMM) pimpinan Dr Burhanuddin Al-Helmy serta dilantik sebagai ketua sayap wanita parti itu.
Sayap wanita PKKM itu kemudian ditukar nama kepada Angkatan Wanita Sedar (Awas) bagaimanapun diharamkan di bawah Undang-Undang Darurat yang diisytiharkan British di seluruh Malaya pada 20 Jun 1948, untuk menyekat kegiatan politik radikal dan berhaluan kiri, terutamanya Parti Komunis Malaya (PKM). Ekoran itu, Shamsiah dan beberapa pemimpin PKMM melarikan diri ke hutan di Benta, Pahang untuk menyertai perjuangan bersenjata PKM yang melancarkan perang gerila terhadap kerajaan British. Peperangan gerila itu bermula selepas Jepun menyerah kalah pada 1945 dan hanya berakhir selepas Perjanjian Damai Kerajaan Malaysia dengan PKM dan Kerajaan Thailand pada 2 Disember 1989. Jawatan terakhir yang dipegang Shamsiah dalam PKM ialah sebagai pemimpin Rejimen 10 (sayap Melayu).

Ketika di hutan, Shamsiah yang turut bertanggungjawab menerbitkan akhbar Pencinta Tanah Air dan rakannya bergerak sehingga ke sempadan Malaysia-Thailand pada 1953 dalam melaksanakan misi perjuangan mereka. Shamsiah bersama suaminya Ibrahim Mohamad dihantar ke China pada 1958 untuk belajar bagi melancarkan usaha merekrut orang Melayu dan dilayan sebagai tetamu kehormat Parti Komunis China. Beliau bagaimanapun dipecat daripada PKM disebabkan perubahan dalam perjuangan dalaman parti itu pada 1968. Berikutan itu, Shamsiah dan suami diberi perlindungan politik, namun tidak mempunyai kewarganegaraan di Beijing dan meneruskan hidup dengan bekerja di kilang besi serta memberi khidmat kepakaran bahasa Melayu kepada Radio Beijing dan Institut Bahasa Asing Beijing. Shamsiah dan suami bersama tiga anak lelaki mereka akhirnya diberi pengampunan oleh Kerajaan Malaysia selepas Perjanjian Damai dengan PKM pada 1989 dan pulang ke negara ini pada 1994. Ibrahim meninggal dunia di sini pada 2006.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Rasuah Politik Meletup Kembali

Kini musim pemilihan UMNO. Di sana sini meletup bunyi-bunyi politik wang yang ditabur oleh calun-calun yang bertanding di bahagian,Pemuda, Wanita dan Puteri. Da juga kedengaran calun ketua bahagian menaja pemuda, puteri dan wanita. Ini amat bahaya kerana pemuda dan puteri yang ubun-ubun masih lembut telah diajar dan dilatih dengan politik wang.

Kempimpinan tertinggi UMNO menubuhkan jawatankuasa disiplin konon nak tangani Rasuah Politik dalam UMNO. Tetapi hukuman gantung keahlian tidak setimpal. Mereka harus dihadapkan ke mahkamah seperti kesalahan yang dibuat oleh pegawai-pegawai kerajaan juga. Dihukum penjara juga.

Baru nampak kesungguhan UMNO dalm membenteras politik wang. Kalau tidak jangan cakap banyak. UMNO sebgai parti yang memerintah harus membuktikan kepimpinan yang besih dahulu.

If not, UMNO only Talk Cock. Cakap tak serupa bikin, depan lain belakang lain.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Mengapa DAP tentang pembelian Cougar?

Eurocopter EC725 Cougar ganti Nuri
Oleh Nik Sukry

Kemudahan canggih tingkat keyakinan ramai terhadap pesawat milik ATMAKHIRNYA teka-teki pemilihan helikopter yang bakal menggantikan Sikorsky S61-A Sea King yang digunakan Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM) sejak 1968 terjawab selepas Perdana Menteri yang juga Menteri Pertahanan, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi mengumumkan kerajaan sedang meneliti beberapa syarat sebelum menandatangani surat hasrat (LOI) secara rasmi dengan syarikat dari Eropah, Eurocopter, 26 September lalu. Cadangan penukaran helikopter yang lebih dikenali sebagai Nuri itu dibuat Kabinet 18 Julai tahun lalu selepas penilaian dilakukan kerajaan, yang terpaksa menanggung kerugian sebanyak RM86.9 juta akibat 15 nahas membabitkan 70 anggota dan pegawai tentera selain 19 kematian sejak penggunaan Nuri, 40 tahun lalu.

Suka atau tidak, satu perkara yang tidak dapat dinafikan, berita ini pastinya memberi kelegaan kepada ramai pihak. Lebih-lebih lagi, keluarga mereka yang terbabit kemalangan dan terkorban akibat Nuri. Ramai mengakui terlalu banyak jasa Nuri. Bukan saja dalam aspek ketenteraan dan keselamatan serta ketenteraman awam, bakti Nuri melangkaui segala-galanya. Malah, antara kelengkapan Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM), Nuri sejak digunakan paling banyak berjasa kepada negara, termasuk ketika menghadapi darurat. Penerbangan ihsan membawa pesakit tenat, jenazah, juga sudah pasti menjadi satu jasa yang tidak akan dilupakan khususnya oleh mereka yang menerima bakti itu. Namun, `usianya’ yang lanjut, membuatkan ia tidak lagi cekap dan selamat. Kemalangan demi kemalangan berlaku yang bukan saja merugikan wang kerajaan, malah membuat ramai kehilangan insan tersayang.

Tender terbuka antarabangsa penggantian helikopter itu dibida enam syarikat pengeluar helikopter, antaranya Eurocopter dengan EC-725 Cougar; AgustaWestland (AW101); Boeing (CH-47F); Sikorsky (H-92 Superhawk); Rosoboronexport State Corporation Russia (Mi-17V-5) dan konsortium terdiri daripada Ke lowna Flightcraft Canada, Kazan Helicopter Plant Russia, BAE Systems dan SELEX Sensors and Airborne Systems menawarkan Mi-172KF. Bagaimanapun, 23 April lalu empat model helikopter yang ditawarkan dalam bidaan itu disenarai pendek untuk penelitian peringkat akhir Kementerian Pertahanan dan akhirnya, helikopter keluaran syarikat Eurocopter, Eurocopter EC725 Cougar dilihat paling sesuai untuk membantu tugasan yang selama ini dipikul Nuri. Eurocopter EC725 Cougar yang dibangunkan dalam keluarga besar Super Puma menggunakan teknologi Perancis digerakkan menggunakan dua enjin Turbomeca Makila 1A4. Jentera ini yang mampu mencapai kelajuan maksimum 324 kilometer per jam (km/j) dan sering digunakan sebagai pesawat pengangkut serta tugas mencari dan menyelamat tepat untuk memenuhi aspirasi TUDM dan ATM menjadikan sistem pertahanan negara lebih efisien dan kompetitif.

Selain itu, EC725 Cougar dilengkapi sistem radar pengesan dan Forward Looking Infra Red (FLIR) menjadikannya sebuah pesawat pelbagai guna terbaik bagi menjalankan penugasan operasi siang atau malam. Helikopter ini mampu membawa 29 anak kapal bersama dua krew pengendali. Panjangnya 19.5 meter, tinggi 4.6 meter dan menggunakan lima bilah kipas utama berdiameter 16.2 meter. EC725 juga mampu membawa persenjataan tembakan sisi seperti dua laras 7.62 milimeter (mm) mesin gun pelbagai guna, sebuah meriam 20 mm serta boleh dipasang dua pelancar roket 68mm untuk tujuan pertahanan. Helikopter ini juga memiliki sistem elektronik peperangan, termasuk sebuah radar penerima amaran, penerima amaran laser dan pemberi amaran pelancaran misil menjadikannya sebuah jentera lengkap untuk tugasan tambahan bagi menyerang hendap musuh.

Rekod penggunaannya sebelum ini juga boleh dibanggakan dan pernah digunakan dalam peperangan di Afghanistan (2007) dan operasi menyelamat di Lubnan pada 2006. Isnin lalu, Panglima Angkatan Tentera, Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Zainal mengumumkan Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM) akan membeli kumpulan pertama lapan hingga 10 EC725 bagi menggantikan Nuri secara berperingkat. Secara keseluruhan, TUDM memerlukan 27 unit helikopter baru bagi menggantikan Nuri. “Model EC725 memiliki ciri diperlukan untuk operasi mencari dan menyelamat (SAR) serta utiliti,” katanya sambil menegaskan khidmat Nuri tidak dihentikan serta-merta kerana masih selamat beroperasi. Inilah yang diharapkan. Dengan kecanggihan dan segala sistem yang serba moden, EC725 mampu meningkatkan semula keyakinan ramai pada pesawat milik ATM.

Namun, apa yang lebih penting, menjadi harapan EC725 mampu menggalas tugas lebih baik daripada Nuri, paling tidak pun setanding pesawat ini.

Khairy Jamaludin jadi chempera

Nampaknya KJ terkial-kial nak dapatkan pencalunan mengejar Mukhriz sehingga terpaksa declare bahawa dia calon underdog. Ramai watchdog-watchdognya ambil duit tak buat kerja dan dapat duit tapi tak dapat pecalunan.

Dan nampaknya Khairy akan berakhir menjadi Mad Dog. Dan kalau kalah tak mustahil dia akan berhijrah ke parti PKR.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Perth Here I Come!

Anwar hits the right target.

Opposition Wants Finance Minister To Table New Budget

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 13 (Bernama) -- Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim Monday asked Finance Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak to table a new budget or make amendments to the original before it is debated in the Dewan Rakyat.

According to him, the budget tabled by Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, who was also Finance Minister then (in August), was no longer relevant as a result of the financial crisis the world and Malaysia was facing now.

Debating the Supply Bill 2009, Anwar asked the government to gather together the top economic experts in the country, especially from the Treasury, Economic Planning Unit and Bank Negara, to review the situation and put the economy back on track.

"It's not that we (opposition) want to reject the budget that has been tabled but only want the figures to be relooked, and I know, those who came up with the figures are prepared to do it," said Anwar, who himself was a finance minister once.

He then asked Deputy Speaker Datuk Dr Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar whether he should continue with the debate to which Wan Junaidi replied in the affirmative and invited the Opposition to table an alternative budget later if they had one.

Lim Kit Siang (DAP-Ipoh Timur) next joined the fray and asked for the current debate on the budget be adjourned until a new budget was presented.

The Deputy Speaker overruled his request.



Zahid Hamidi To Receive PhD From UPM

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 13 (Bernama) -- Minister in the Prime Minister's Department, Datuk Seri Dr Zahid Hamidi, who was earlier conferred a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Communication, would receive the PhD during the Universiti Putra Malaysia's (UPM) Convocation from Oct 18-22.

UPM Vice-Chancellor Professor Datuk Dr Nik Mustapha Raja Abdullah said Zahid would receive the award from the Sultan of Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah, who is also the UPM Chancellor.

For the Phd, Dr Zahid had completed a thesis entitled "Barisan Nasional Manifesto As Agenda for Malay Language Newspaper During the General Election Campaign.


Monday, October 13, 2008


mummy rkiah


mummy rokiah
Dr M backs Najib, Muhyiddin

MELBOURNE: Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has endorsed Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak as Prime Minister and Tan Sri Muhyiddin as his deputy.

“With hard work and cooperation, Najib and Muhyiddin would be able to lead a good government,” he said yesterday.

He added that with the global financial turmoil, Malaysia needed strong and decisive leadership.

The former prime minister was here to speak at a Malaysian youth seminar and at an international multi-cultural symposium.

Dr Mahathir said Muhyiddin would be able to bring in a lot of grassroots experience and knowledge.

“There are many contestants for the Umno deputy president’s position, but I think Muhyiddin is the best person to be Najib’s deputy,” he said.

Dr Mahathir said the International Trade and Industry Minister had been “very vocal” of late.

Earlier, Dr Mahathir said Najib should not be surrounded by cronies and family members when he is Prime Minister.

“He should not be surrounded by cronies and family members as this will not be good for the country,” he said after addressing a Malaysian youth seminar at the University of Melbourne.

Dr Mahathir, however, did not identify them.

“There are several former MPs and experts whose advice he should seek to run the country,” he said. - Bernama

Why no news on tackling crisis?

mummy rokiahMonday October 13, 2008

I FIND it incredible that the unprecedented global financial crisis that has governments everywhere on edge and frantically finding solutions finds little or no mention in Malaysian news of what the government is doing to tackle the imminent fallout.

Perhaps Malaysia has a secret recipe for tackling financial crises having successfully survived one over a decade ago. Or is it something else?
The global crisis that originated from the US housing and sub-prime mortgage crash spread worldwide and massacred the world’s stock markets are now entering the dangerous phase of damaging businesses and economies, and creating widespread unemployment.

The domino effect of the credit freeze worldwide is going to be evident in the developed world. But do I sense a tidak apa attitude in Malaysia and in the region?
The carnage in the financial and stock markets will inevitably affect the region yet we don’t see Asean calling for an emergency meeting to deal with the global crisis and its impact on the region.

That speaks volumes about their confidence or are they simply preoccupied with more important things?
The suggestion that Malaysia having de-coupled its economy from the US will not be badly affected is naive to say the least.

I read Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah’s statement on the urgency to deal with the crisis which is both relevant and timely and can’t help empathising with him in his frustration over the Umno top leadership transition pact.

People have to ask whether this sort of political wheeling and dealing is in the national interest and whether the country can afford to bide time while the incumbent leader works out his remaining days when the country faces a global financial and economic crisis that happens only “once in a generation.”

I scoured all the English newspapers but could hardly find any worthy mention of strong and decisive action by the politicians to face the imminent impact of the global catastrophe except the lonely voices of concerned politicians who should be asking for an emergency seating of Parliament to unite the country and form a bi-partisan approach to face the crisis.

More than ever Malaysia needs a prime minster who is diligent and capable and able to inspire confidence at home and abroad to prepare the country for the worst that the global fallout will present.

But what we can’t afford is a lack of leadership in this crucial hour.
It is easy for some politicians to talk about attracting foreign investments to take advantage of the US problems but why would anyone want to invest in Malaysia when there are now even more attractive opportunities elsewhere?

The financial crisis is as much a crisis of confidence. But I don’t see the politicians doing their utmost to bolster public confidence. Instead they appear more concerned about their personal interests than the country’s national interest.
If our politicians are so sure that Malaysia will weather the economic storm and that is why they are not spending too much time worrying about the global crisis then I guess we are truly a lucky country.

Ignorance is bliss and inaction is the panacea the world has yet to discover.
STEVE OH,Kajang.
Collection of Old Penang Bus Ticket
Favourite Penang Cendol
Penang Laksa

mummy rokiah

Sunday, October 12, 2008